
Testimonial Tuesday!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

“Mace, I’m thrilled this has gone so smoothly.  You, Rebecca & Joe are the best. Thank you all so much! ~Carol, RN~

Thank you to all of our dialysis nurses and dialysis technicians for representing AHS RenalStat so well.  We appreciate all that you do!

If you are a dialysis nurse or technician and you are looking for a new Dialysis Career, give us a call 877-309-3546.  Or go online and complete a Quick Apply www.ahsrenalstat.com.  Once in our system, you will be one of the first to hear about permanent dialysis jobs and dialysis travel assignments.

If you would like to submit a testimonial, send it to: [email protected].

Thank you,
AHS RenalStat Team

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