
iPhone App Keeps Kidney Diets in Check

When Lynne Sanditen’s father was diagnosed with kidney disease several years ago, managing his diet quickly became one of her largest frustrations. His doctors informed him and his family that he, like so many other chronic kidney disease sufferers, would need to diligently keep track of his phosphorous, potassium and protein intake, as well as his sodium and fluid levels.

“It became a constant discussion,” Sanditen said. “It was so hard to remember the details of foods; we would be in line in a cafeteria rushing to figure out what he could eat. I was standing there in line surfing the web on my phone trying to figure it out. I knew I had to fix this problem.”

An idea was born. Sanditen needed a way to quickly and accurately determine levels of the “Three P’s” in her father’s diet, as well as his sodium and fluid intake, and a mobile phone application emerged as the most sensible way. An app, she discovered as she began researching the process, would not only allow a person to compactly carry a near-endless amount of nutrition information in their back pocket or purse, but they could also tabulate their intake according to their personal needs.

Sanditen collaborated with nutritionists and medical professionals to bring her vision to life. She utilized United States Department of Agriculture nutritional information to ensure the best data integrity. In May 2010, the smartphone app “KidneyDiet” became available in the Apple Store as a product of Pain Free Living, Inc., Sanditen’s business. A revamped version debuted months later, and improvements have been released several times since. ~RenalBusinessToday~

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