
Dream Job In Urbana, IL!


linking dialysis professionals to dialysis facilities across America. Whatever your Dialysis staffing needs, we have the expertise and experience to find the perfect candidates for you. We provide all three types of placement: permanent placement, travel nurses and technicians, and relief (per diem) candidates. We know that dialysis facilities need to open regularly to keep up with the needs of patients and not everyday is an ideal one. Having a reliable staffing agency to help fill empty positions is critical for business.


Job Location: Urbana, IL

Job Title: Acute RN

Job Description: We have an opportunity in Urbana, Illinois for you. It is a great area to work as an Acute Nurse. Please contact us at AHS for more information regarding this position!

Location Description: Urbana, Illinois is part of the Urbana-Champaign micro-urban community. The term “micro-urban” applies to population centers of 250,000 or less that possess a highly uncommon set of desirable attributes normally exclusively associated with much larger metropolitan centers. Among these are an internationally diverse population, a strong technology base, a vibrant arts/culture/entertainment scene, and a palpably animated public discourse on major societal and global concerns. The presence of such attributes within the context of a smaller population center—the size of which can provide advantages such as ease of transportation, more affordable living, and a stronger sense of community—positions micro-urban communities, like Urbana-Champaign, as an attractive location to live and visit. View the micro-urban video to learn more about Urbana-Champaign.

For more information about this opportunity, or to find other positions like this one, visit us online on our website, call (877) 309-3546, or email us at  [email protected].

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