
Dream Job Highlight in Salina, KS!

Your Advocate In The Job Market.

AHS RenalStat wants to be your advocate for finding the placement you desire, the compensation you deserve, and the tools you need to be effective in your profession.

Whether you want per diem/relief work, a travel position, or a permanent position, AHS RenalStat will work to connect you with the perfect placement for your lifestyle.

We have placements all over the United States and are quickly gaining more positions to fill. What this means is that with us, dialysis professionals get a better variety of dialysis jobs to choose from; whether you’re looking to work a per diem position in Texas, permanent position in New York or travel job in Florida, we are here to serve you and to be your advocate.

With AHS RenalStat we offer you more job opportunities, no matter where in America you are.


Job Location:  Salina, KS

Job Title: Chronic RN

Job Description: We have an opportunity in Salina, Kansas for you. It is a great area to work as a Chronic RN. Please contact us at AHS for more information regarding this position!

Location Description: Best place in Kansas to raise kids and to retire!  The Wichita Business Journal recently reported that “Salina is Kansas’ retirement hub”, the state’s top destination for retirees.  In 2009, Salina was selected by Business Week as the “best place in Kansas to raise kids”.  Neither of these designations are a surprise to those of us familiar with this community.  We already know that Salina is a place that honors its duty to provide the highest quality of municipal services to its citizens.  

For more information about this opportunity, or to find other positions like this one, visit us online on our website, call (877) 309-3546, or email us at  [email protected].

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