
4 Ways To Become A More Successful Nurse Leader

There is no secret formula to becoming a more successful nurse and leader, but there are strategies you can implement to help project yourself and your career forward. No one but you will take responsibility for your growth! Here are four ways to get started:


  • Align your plans with your career goals:


Ultimately, you are in control of how you plan your life and career. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that good things will happen on their own. Ask yourself what you want.

What do you hope to do and how far would you like to see yourself go in your career? The answer to these questions will drive your growth plan. Push your limits!


  • Do it now:


After you have determined your goals, lay out some ways to grow in that direction. This could mean going back to school for another degree, getting a certification, studying up, or finding a mentor. It also may mean moving out of your comfort zone and taking a new job! Don’t fail to take action just because you are comfortable.


  • Face your fears:


Fear can play a major factor in keeping some people from becoming successful. You may be afraid to fail or afraid to switch up routine. When you feel that way, remember this quote: “Feel the fear but do it anyway.” – Erica Jong, author of Fear of Flying.


  • Make growth a priority:


Too many times, people wait for opportunities to be presented to them (accidental growth) rather than planning for opportunities (intentional growth). Seize your own growth by seeing it as your own personal responsibility and seeking new experiences outside your comfort zone!

Don’t let yourself get into a rut where you don’t take responsibility for your growth. Rather, figure out what you need to do to coax, encourage, and inspire yourself to take that next step toward your growth.

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