Talk to a Recruiter
We make finding your dream job easy with our team of expert recruiters. Our team works with you to find dialysis nurse jobs that fit you and your goals. Reach out to discuss your needs with our recruiters and discover how we can help you find perfect opportunities across the country.

Dialysis Placement Experts to Help You Find Your Next Job
We understand that everyone has different wants and needs from their career, which is why our recruiters at AHS RenalStat make it their mission to fully understand who you are and what you’re looking for. Whether your priority is to check off destinations on your bucket list as a travel dialysis nurse or technician or you’re looking to get experience that makes your resume stand out, our recruiters are here for you. We’re dedicated to your success!
When you reach out to our recruiters, we work with you to find the perfect assignment for you. We work with facilities all around the country and help them fill dialysis staffing gaps. We offer to pay, personalized support, and unmatched opportunities for travel dialysis nurses and travel dialysis techs.
Specializing in Matching Travel Dialysis Nurses & Technicians with Amazing Travel Assignments
One reason why so many dialysis professionals work with our recruiters is that we specialize in dialysis placement for nurses and technicians. We have a deep understanding of the industry and those who work in it, which helps us really home in on what makes an assignment great for you.
You can think of your recruiter as your dialysis job advocate. They are your partner in the placement process, from talking about what you’re looking for and finding suitable opportunities to helping you throughout the application process. Our recruiters can help you make all the arrangements for an ultra-convenient experience. Whether you’re a new travel dialysis nurse or an old pro, our recruiters are a valuable resource for advancing your career.
24/7 Support for Dialysis Travel Nurses
We are a dialysis staffing agency that cares about you, which is why we offer 24/7 support whenever you need it. Recruiters are available to offer help and guidance at every step of the process. From looking for new assignments to helping you during your assignments, recruiters go above and beyond to make sure you have a fantastic experience. We believe communication is the key to ensuring our travel dialysis nurses and techs are happy. You can count on us to do everything possible for your success.
Our recruiters understand how important it is to be available when you are. Recruiters are available around the clock to fit your busy schedule and help you pursue your dream job as a travel dialysis nurse or technician. We get back to you ASAP, so you always have the help and information you need. Find your dream dialysis nurse or dialysis technician job today!