

Bundle has little effect on medications used for dialysis patients

The bundled payment system for dialysis services seems to have little affect on the medications nephrologists use to treat bone and metabolism disorders in dialysis …

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A New Beginning With A New Kidney

Damon Brown and Darren Patillo have a lot in common. The two Seattle area residents have battled kidney disease since they were young and are …

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Various types of dialysis available for those with failing kidneys

Leonard Pinkney knew for years that his DNA was against him — he has family history on both sides of diabetes, blood pressure and heart …

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Dream Job Highlight!

Dream Job Highlight: At AHS RenalStat, we know you have options when it comes to work, and we have opportunities for RNs, Clinical Managers, and …

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Aggressive End-of-Life Care for Medicare Dialysis Patients is Pervasive

Patients on dialysis are subject to much more intensive medical care in the last month of life than are patients dying of cancer or heart …

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Facebook’s New Inititative Helps Organ Donors

When your life is on the line, how do you start the conversation for help… especially with people you don’t know? It’s been a Triad …

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Results unclear on taking fish oil every day

Fish Oil Benefit for Dialysis Grafts Unclear For patients with a new synthetic arteriovenous graft for hemodialysis vascular access, taking fish oil every day led …

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Ways to Expand Home Dialysis Use

Leaders in the dialysis community have released a report that outlines key findings and recommendations for better utilization of home dialysis as an alternative to …

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Transplantable Blood Vessels Woven from Lab-Grown Human Tissue

More than 382,000 people with kidney disease in the U.S. are on dialysis, a painful procedure that can wreak havoc on blood vessels due to …

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